Reference : JSON REST API reference : Service documents
Service documents
The service document has the high level resources for workspace, module, and views that a user has access to. Only users with workspace administrator rights can access modules.
The resource URI for the service document is in the form: http://fpserver/fp/resources/
GET method
Accept header: application/json
Response body:
{"workspaces":[{"alias":"878914ee-a997-457f-b6ed-25396c8b8d5e","title":"IT Portfolio Management Template - MASTER DEMO","addViews":[{"addable":"true","alias":"84c32448-2138-4eb5-bdc2-d8d75e78b244","indexList":"","title":"Application","indexTree":""}],"displayViews":[{"addable":"false","alias":"3920ffde-429d-4714-803d-bec47d23c362","indexList":"","fullTree":"","title":"Strategic Objectives (r/-)","indexTree":"","fullList":""}]}]}
Service document description
Each module and view contains an element collection. The following table shows the ways that you can view the element collection in the service document:
A list of elements that includes only the title and URI of each element. If a sort attribute is defined, the elements are sorted accordingly.
A tree structure of elements that includes only the title and URI of each element. The title (but not the URI) of folders that not are displayed is included.
A list of elements that includes all attributes values for the attributes in the view or module. If a sort attribute is defined, the elements are sorted accordingly.
A tree structure of elements that includes the attribute values for the attributes in the view or module.
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JSON REST API reference