Reference : JSON REST API reference : Elements : GET method
GET method
Use this method to retrieve the element details. You can use the View parameter to filter the attributes.
Accept header: application/json
Response body:
Supported parameters for the GET method
The following parameters can be used with the GET method:
Use the view parameter to specify the view ID for retrieving the attributes that are in the view.
Type: Integer
The filter parameter must be used with the view parameter. Use the filter parameter to pass the filter ID for retrieving attributes based on the filter criteria.
Type: Integer
For example, view=14&filter=1.
Use the fields parameter to pass an XPath expression to retrieve specific set of attributes.
Type: String
For example, fields=attributes/(ID|Title|Owner).
Note '|' must be encoded as '%7C'
includeHistoryOfAttribute, start, end
Set the includeHistoryOfAttribute parameter to true and specify the start and end date parameters to retrieve the history of the attributes. The following formats are supported for the date parameters.
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
Types: includeHistoryOfAttributes: Boolean, start: Date or Date Time, end: Date or Date time
For example:
includeHistoryOfAttributes=true&start=2011-03-22T12:00:00+01:00&end=2011-06- 22T12:00:00+01:00
Set the genericTimeGrid parameter to true to retrieve the time grid attribute sheets in a generic format. This can be used for reporting by using Rational Insight.
Note The user can also supply generictimegrid as a parameter.
Type: Boolean
Set the optimize parameter to true to optimize the content. If the optimize parameter is set to true, the response does not include rich text and formula information of the attributes. Also alternate URLs to the element are not provided in the response.
Type: Boolean
Set the includeLinkTable parameter to true to include attributes from the link targets in the response. The view should have a link table defined for the Link or LinkList attributes. All visible attributes that are shown in the link table set up will be part of the Link or LinkList attribute response.
Type: Boolean
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