Reference : REST RDF API reference : REST Operations : Parameters : Resource paging
Resource paging
Sometimes, an element collection is too large to be reasonably transmitted in a single HTTP message. In such cases, resource paging can be used to split the response into several pages. The following parameters can be used:
Use the oslc.paging parameter to activate resource paging, so that the result element collection is paginated. By default, oslc.paging is turned off.
Parameter value: boolean
Can be used with: Module (Element collection) resource
Applicable: HTTP GET
For example:
If paging is turned on, use the pageno parameter to request any valid page by specifying an integer value. By default, pageno is set to 0.
Parameter value: integer
Can be used with: Module (Element collection) resource
For example:
http://fpserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1.rdf? oslc.paging=true&pageno=1
If paging is turned on, use the oslc.pageSize parameter to determine the number of elements per page.
Note You can change the default page size. From the Focal Point Admin configuration page, click Application > Data Access > REST Page size to specify the value.
Parameter value: integer
Can be used with: Module (Element collection) resource
Applicable: HTTP GET
For example:
http://fpserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1.rdf? oslc.paging=true&pageno=1&oslc.pageSize=100
Note When paging is activated, the following resource is included in the response and it gives details such as total elements and URL for the next page.

<http://fpserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1? oslc.paging=true&pageno=0&oslc.pageSize=100>
   a oslc:ResponseInfo ;
   oslc:nextPage <http://fpserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1? oslc.paging=true&pageno=1&oslc.pageSize=100> ;
   oslc:totalCount 118 .

For details, see for more details.
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