Reference : REST RDF API reference : REST Operations : HTTP methods : HTTP GET
The HTTP GET method is supported for all Focal Point REST RDF API defined resources. To request for appropriate resource format, see Content negotiation. Administrative privilege is need to access an element with a view parameter.
URI: http://fpserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements/53.ttl? view=39&
HTTP Accept Header: application/x-turtle (or URL Extension: .ttl)
   a workspace_2:Business_Need ;
   fps:genericLink <http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements/53? format=genericrdf> ;
   fps:inModule <http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1> ;
   dcterms:identifier "c414ea18-25ea-4bc1-8cc6-830a074a01d5" ;
   dcterms:title "Enable touch screen"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
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HTTP methods