Reference : REST RDF API reference : REST Operations : HTTP methods : HTTP PUT
The HTTP PUT method is supported only for the Element resource. The Element RDF/XML document received from an HTTP GET call can be used to update attributes by using a PUT call.
URI: http://fpserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements/53.rdf
HTTP Accept Header: application/xml (or URl Extension: .xml)
Request body:
   xmlns:dcterms=""    xmlns:fps=""
   xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:module_2_1="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/ns#"
   xmlns:oslc rm="" >
   <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements/53">
   <dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">New Title value</dcterms:title>
   <fps:genericLink rdf:resource="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements/53?format=genericrdf"/>
   <fps:inModule rdf:resource="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1"/>
   <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/ns#Business Need"/>
After a successful PUT call, the title attribute of element 53 is changed to 'New Title value'. Though the example shows updating of only one attribute, it is possible to update more than one attribute in a single PUT call.
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HTTP methods