Reference : REST RDF API reference : REST Operations : HTTP methods : HTTP POST
The HTTP POST method is supported only for the Module resource for creating new Elements in the Module. The Element RDF/XML document received from an HTTP GET call can be used to create one or more elements resource using a single PUT call.
URI: http://fpserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements.rdf
HTTP Accept Header: .xml
Request body:
   xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:module_2_1="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/ns#"
   xmlns:oslc="" xmlns:workspace_2="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/ns#"
   xmlns:oslc rm="" >
   <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements/53">
   <dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">New Title value</dcterms:title>
   <fps:genericLink rdf:resource="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements/53?format=genericrdf"/>
<fps:inModule rdf:resource="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1"/>
   <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/ns#Business Need"/>
HTTP Response: http://fpserver/fp/resources/workspaces/2/modules/1/elements/163
After a successful PUT call, a new element is created in module 1 and updated with the attributes values specified in the input RDF/XML document. The URI of the newly created element is returned as response.
More than one element can be created in a single POST call by including more than one element resource in the input RDF/XML to the HTTP request. Make sure that the URI of each Element resource has a different element ID.
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HTTP methods