Reference : REST XML API reference : Attributes
The representation of an attribute contains the value of the attribute. Certain attributes have multiple collection of values and each value has attribute URIs. For example: TextList and File. The representation of the single attribute value also includes the edit links for each text entry in the list. You can change the attribute values of elements in the following ways:
To update the attribute types CheckBox, Choice, Date, Float, Integer, Link, LinkList, Matrix, Multichoice, Text, Time Grid, URL, and UniqueId, use a PUT operation.
To add, update, or delete a text entry, link entry or a file by using the TextList, LinkList and File attributes, use a POST operation, a PUT operation, or a DELETE operation respectively.
To increment a Version attribute to the next major version, use a POST operation.
The XML format to update an attribute value is different from the XML representation of the value. For example, a Text attribute might have both a text value and an expression, but when the attribute is updated, it can be given either a new text value or an expression. When you update an attribute, use the XML that is described by the XML Schema document for the attribute.
GET method
POST method
PUT method
DELETE method
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REST XML API reference