Reference : SOAP Web Services API
SOAP Web Services API
Focal Point Web Services API uses Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to define services and SOAP to call services. You can use these APIs to access Focal Point.
For more information, see:
Focal Point Web Services API Reference Manual
API examples
You can refer to the SOAP Web Services API examples to learn how to use the APIs for Focal Point. The examples are in Java source files that can be compiled and run.
Sun JRE 6 or IBM JRE 6
Knowledge of Java, SOAP, and WSDL.
The SOAP Web Services API examples are in this file:
Focal Point install directory\apiexamples\
An administrator having access to the application server on which Focal Point in installed can provide you with the example package. For more information about the source files and the process to compile the code, see the readme file in the example package.
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