Reference : User interface reference : Workspace permissions
Workspace permissions
Workspace administrators can grant workspace permissions to regular members. With workspace permissions, regular users can complete tasks that are typically reserved for administrators.
Workspace permission
To integrate with IBM Rational Change, use this permission to synchronize elements with elements in that product.
Global Filters
Enables you to create global filters.
Enables you to view the priorities of all the members in a Visualize view with private criteria.
Delete Elements
Enables you to delete elements (if the elements can be deleted from the module).
Show Information
Displays the About Focal Point page. By default, this permission is granted to all members.
Displays the Add Member page in the Members menu, where you can add members to the workspace.
When you add a member, you can select from whom the member inherits their access and the folder and role in which the member is placed. The access is set to the default value that is selected on the Members: Access page (Configure > Attributes > Members > Access). To view the members that you added, you must have access to a Display view of the members. In the view of the new member, you might be able to edit certain attributes.
Notifications and Messages
Opens the Notifications page in the Configure menu, where you can add and manage notifications.
With this permission, the Broadcast Message page in the Advanced menu is also displayed. From the Broadcast Message page, members can send urgent messages to all the members of the workspace.
Capacity Planning
Enables you to work with the capacity plan feature to visualize and manage the allocation of resources into projects.
Shared Filters
Enables you to manage the shared filters that are created by other users.
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