Tutorials : Getting started with Focal Point : Module 1: Create users and workspaces : Lesson 4: Add members to a workspace
Lesson 4: Add members to a workspace
Users must be added as members to access workspaces. In this lesson, you add users as members with different permissions to the “Cars” workspace.
Existing users in the database can be added as members of a workspace. Group the users in member folders according to their tasks in the workspace, and let the members inherit views based on parent folders. By grouping the users in folders, you can easily share views to the relevant groups of workspace members.
Make sure you have completed the previous lessons. To add members to a workspace, you must be a workspace administrator, or have the Members workspace permission.
Video: How to add a user as a member to a workspace in Focal Point
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To add a user as member to a workspace
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Members group, click Add.
2 Search for the user by entering the name Veena Doe in User contain.
3 Select Veena Doe to add as a member in the workspace and click Next.
4 In the next frame, select Inherit My Home, My Views, and Permissions from Parent Folder.
5 From the Add the new members to this folder list, select the Members folder.
6 Click Finish.
Veena Doe is added as a workspace member. Now, you can add other users to the workspace as members.
7 Click Add Folder. Adding folders help administrators to manage members more efficiently.
In Full Name, type Administrator.
Click OK.
Click the Members folder.
8 Similarly, create three more subfolders to the Members folder, with Full Name set to:
Product Manager
External Stakeholder
9 Click Add Member.
Select Veena Doe to add as member in the workspace.
Click Next.
In the next frame, select Inherit My Views, My Home and Permissions from Parent folder.
In Add the new members to this folder, select the Administrator folder.
Click Finish.
Edit the Access attribute for Veena Doe, and select Workspace Administrator from the list.
Veena Doe is added as a workspace member with workspace administrator access.
10 Add users, with access and permissions, in the folders as listed in the table.
Parent folder
Stella Lagunas
Workspace Administrator
Matthew Siler
Product Manager
Regular Member
Allow Baseline Creation, Global Filters, Show Information
Terry Deyoung
Regular Member
Members, Show Information
Mae Godsey
Regular Member
Synchronization, Show Information
Nicholas Lu
External Stakeholder
Show Information
The Members folder has four subfolders, each of which contain one or two members according to their roles.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you have learned how to add a user as a member to a workspace.
For more information on user types and roles, see User types and access levels, and Access rights for user-member combinations.
Module 2: Enter, organize, and compare data
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Module 1: Create users and workspaces