Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications : Lesson 3: Approve the project proposal for implementation
Lesson 3: Approve the project proposal for implementation
Typically, the project proposal goes through different states transitions before reaching the Approve for Implementation state. Each state transition is completed by users with appropriate roles using appropriate views. To keep the focus of this tutorial on integration, in this lesson, the user, Tim Jeffs, with the Global Administrator rights, scopes the project by adding business needs and effort for the WonderCar project and then changes the state of the project directly to Approve for Implementation in the module.
Video: How to approve a project proposal for implementation in Focal Point
Click to watch in new tab.
1 Log in to Focal Point as Tim Jeffs who has the administrator rights to work in the module. Click the Sample Project workspace.
2 Click Display, and in the Modules group, click Projects.
3 Click the WonderCar project.
4 In Project State, click the Edit icon Edit and select Approved for Implementation.
5 Click the Save icon Save.
6 Click Display, and in the Modules group, click Business Needs.
7 Click Improve fuel efficiency, and then do this:
Under the Links section, in Projects, click the Edit icon Edit.
In Project contains, type WonderCar, and then press Enter.
Select WonderCar, click OK, and then click Close.
In Estimated Effort, click the Edit icon Edit, type 7, and click the Save icon Save icon.
In Priority, type 2, and then click the Save icon Save icon.
8 Repeat the previous step for the remaining three business needs, and provide different values for the estimated effort and priority.
9 Set the Work Item State attribute that fetches the information from the CLM system to Editable.
Note By default the Work Item State attribute in the IT Portfolio Workspace template is set to non-editable. To enable Carl to update the attribute with the required XPath Value Fetcher value, set the field to Editable.
Click the Settings icon Settings icon and, from the Configure group, click Views.
Select My Business Needs.
In the View Definition field, click the Edit icon Edit and click Next in the first page of the view definition.
Select Editable for the Work Item State attribute, and then click Finish.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you approved the project proposal for implementation and linked the project to business needs.
Lesson 4: Create requirements from business needs
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Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications