Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications
Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications
This module is intended for users with Regular User rights to create artifacts and associate links in the IBM Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications. The administrator will then generate a report.
Learning objectives
After completing the lessons in this module you will know how to do the following tasks:
Elaborate business needs in the Requirements Management application
View progress of requirements
Create work items in the Change and Configuration Management application
View progress of work items
Generate reports
Time required
This module should take approximately 60 minutes to complete.
You must have completed the first two modules.
Lessons in this module
Lesson 1: Add business needs
In this lesson, you add the high-level requirements or business needs that are required for the Business Needs project. The business needs are technically referred to as elements in Focal Point.
Lesson 2: Create a project proposal
After adding the business needs, you create a project proposal and link the business needs to the project. In this lesson, you create a project proposal. The business needs linked to the project are published to the Requirements Management application and then you publish that project as new project area with linked business needs to the Change and Configuration Management application.
Lesson 3: Approve the project proposal for implementation
Typically, the project proposal goes through different states transitions before reaching the Approve for Implementation state. Each state transition is completed by users with appropriate roles using appropriate views. To keep the focus of this tutorial on integration, in this lesson, the user, Tim Jeffs, with the Global Administrator rights, scopes the project by adding business needs and effort for the WonderCar project and then changes the state of the project directly to Approve for Implementation in the module.
Lesson 4: Create requirements from business needs
In the previous lesson, you scoped the project with business needs. In this lesson, you publish those business needs for elaborating them as requirements in the Requirements Management application.
Lesson 5: Change status of requirements
In this lesson, you change the status of the published requirements in the Requirements Management application.
Lesson 6: Check progress of requirements
In this lesson, you check the progress of requirements from Focal Point by using the XPathValueFetcher business rule to make quick course correction.
Lesson 7: Create project and work items
In the previous lesson, you checked the status of the requirements. In this lesson, you publish the project proposal that includes linked business needs to the Change and Configuration Management application. This action creates a project area, a plan, and work items in the Change and Configuration Management application.
Lesson 8: Edit the work items
In this lesson, you assign an owner to the work items and change the status of work items in the Change and Configuration Management application.
Lesson 9: Check progress of work items
In the previous lesson you changed the status of work items. In this lesson, you check the progress of work items from Focal Point by using the XPathValueFetcher business rule to make quick course correction.
Lesson 10: Generate report
In this lesson, you generate a report for all the business needs in the My Projects view. The report displays each business need with attributes and the status of the business needs.
Summary: Manage business needs with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications
Lesson 1: Add business needs
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Integrate Focal Point with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications