Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications : Lesson 5: Change status of requirements
Lesson 5: Change status of requirements
In this lesson, you change the status of the published requirements in the Requirements Management application.
Video: How to change the status of requirements in the Requirement Management application
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Create a requirements project in the Requirements Management application.
1 Log in to the Requirements Management application, and from the Home menu, select the Sample Requirements project where you published the business needs.
2 Click the Provide high-end electronics requirement and click the Edit button.
3 In the Status field, select Approved and click Done.
4 Click Artifacts > Browse Artifacts and click Improve safety of passengers.
5 Click Edit and in the Status field, select Approved.
6 Click Done.
7 Click Links, and then move the cursor over the URL to view the preview window. This window displays the attributes of the business need that is available in Focal Point.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you changed the status of the requirements in the Requirements Management application and previewed the business need that is located in Focal Point.
In the next lesson, you run the XPathValueFetcher business rule to view the status of the requirements in Focal Point.
Lesson 6: Check progress of requirements
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Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications