Data Model > Accessing the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model > Working with the Case Data Model > UNICOM Intelligence Function Library
UNICOM Intelligence Function Library
The Evaluate component can support dotted identifiers for:
Table names as part of the identifier name
For example:
Note While the dot character can appear as part of delimited identifiers, the dot character has special meaning as part of regular identifiers.
Function calls
The dot character can be used to make function calls for named identifiers. The dot in this instance is interpreted as a bound identifier, followed by a function. Some examples are shown in the following table.
Dotted function call
Resolved function call
age.ContainsAny( {1,2,5})
ContainsAny(age, {1,2,5})
Function calls can be made using either convention. The parser also supports a mix of the function call conventions.
Function call
Resolved function call
Find(Q1, Left(Q2, 3))
See also
Expression evaluation
Function calls
UNICOM Intelligence Function Library