Data Link Properties: Advanced
You use the Advanced tab in the Data Link Properties dialog box to define additional connection options. When you select UNICOM Intelligence DM-n OLE DB Provider (where n is the version number) on the Provider tab, an UNICOM Intelligence-specific Advanced tab is displayed.
Metadata Source when Location is Different. If existing Data Source has a different location
The Data Model uses the DataSource object to store details about case data that is associated with an MDM Document (
.mdd file). This option specifies what should happen if there is no DataSource object in the MDM Document with the same case data type whose location matches the case data location specified on
Data Link Properties: Connection:
Use the Data Source (except for location)
This is the default behavior.
Uses the first DataSource object of the same type that is encountered and do not want to store the new case data location in it.
Use the Data Source and store the new location
Uses the first DataSource object of the same type that is encountered and store the new case data location in it.
Create a new Data Source
Creates a new DataSource object. This is useful when you do not want to use the same variable names when exporting to SPSS.sav as used previously.
Raise an Error
The connection fails.
Categorical variables
Specifies whether to display the categories of categorical variables as numeric values or names.
Preserve source column definitions
Select this option if you want the native objects in the underlying database to be exposed directly as Data Model variables without any interpretation. For example, if you select this option, a multiple dichotomy set in a .sav file would be represented as several long or text variables instead of one categorical variable.
Reading categorical data
Provides options for specifying how data is presented to the user.
Return category values
When selected, numerical values that represent the data are presented. This is the default setting.
Return category names
When selected, the unique ID that represents the data is presented.
Writing data
Specifies whether the CDSC deletes the output data, if it exists, before writing new data. The options are as follows:
Append to existing data
This is the default behavior. Select this option if you want to append to the existing data if it exists.
Replace existing data
Select this option if you want to delete the existing data and schema. This will allow data to be created with a different schema.
Replace existing data but preserve schema
Select this option if you want to delete the existing data, but preserve the existing schema if possible.
For some CDSCs, such as SPSS SAV and Delimited Text, the schema will not be preserved because deleting the data results in the loss of the schema.
Perform data validation
Select if you want case data to be validated before it is written. Deselect if you do not want any validity checks to be performed on case data before it is written.
Allow dirty data
Select if you have chosen data validation, and you want to run in dirty mode. This means that data is accepted even if it has some inconsistencies. Deselect this option to run in clean mode, which means that data is rejected if it contains any inconsistencies (for example, if more than one response has been selected in answer to a single response question). The validation that is performed varies according to the CDSC that is selected.
User name and Password
If required, enter your User ID and password.
See also