Interviewer - Server Admin > Administration and maintenance > Log files
Log files
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin and the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin activities create the following log files in:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\Interviewer Server Administration\ Logs
Records information about how UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin has built the activity list for the project that a user has selected as well as the following audit information:
new users
modified users
new roles
modified roles
users assigned to roles
roles assigned to users
new customer accounts
modified customer accounts
locked and unlocked users
User Administration also writes session start and end messages to these files.
Note Starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6, this file contains information that was previously in the FMT*.tmp, MAU*.tmp, MGF*.tmp, PED*.tmp, SAL*.tmp, and UAU*.tmp files.
This is the log file for the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin load balancing facility.
Deprecated files
The following files are deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Their logging information is now in the DMN*.tmp file.
Created by the File Management component that is shared by all activities that use or create project files. The File Management component checks for the existence of project files that an activity needs, and verifies that the user running the activity is authorized to access those files. The log files record these actions.
Created by mrUserAdminServer. The log records information about how the server checks which roles a user belongs to.
Created by the Files activity. The log records the steps that the Files activity takes when checking whether a user can access a project's files.
Created by Edit Project to record details about the creation of new projects, deletion of projects from DPM, and changes to project properties.
This is the Server Authentication Log which records information about login attempts.
This is the user authentication log which records whether or not a user passes the authentication process to use an activity.
See also
Log files
Administration and maintenance