Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance > Log files
Log files
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer and its associated applications create log files.
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\<version>\Interviewer Server Administration\Logs
Log files that are saved to the server might contain sensitive information: you must ensure that the log file location is secure.
Log files
See also Deprecated log files.
Logging for Activation related activities and components. Created by ActivateClient.dll (see ActivateClient object model) and ActivateServer.dll. These files contain messages about the activation process.
Administrative logs that are written when you install interim fixes.
Created by the Activation Console.
Created by the Authoring web services.
Created when reading and parsing the Interview.Config.xml file.
Logging for Interviewer Monitoring related activities and component. Created by Interviewer Monitoring.
Created by the Phone Participants activity.
Each time an interviewer starts Phone Participants, the log file shows a series of messages stating that a number of fields are blank. This is expected behavior; it is the result of displaying the main screen with blank fields ready for the interviewer to request the first number to call. The start of each interview is marked by a message showing the full URL and connection ID for the interview.
Created by the Interviewing activity in the Reports section of Interviewer Server - Administration. Generally, it just lists the reports that have been requested.
Created by the Interviewing Options activity.
Created by the Dialer Administration activity.
Logs from UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin activities that are shared between interviewing and analysis project. This includes most activities that are used to manage users and roles and manage project creation.
Created by the Activation History activity.
Created by the Build activity. These log files record which users ran the activity, which activity features they had set (for example, whether the user was allowed to activate projects), and what tasks they carried out (for example, adding Q2 after Q1).
Created by the Export Data activity.
Each interviewer session engine logs to the ISE*.tmp file on its Interview server.
When problems occur during interviewing and you find errors in an ISE log file, always check the computer’s Event Log; it often contains system messages that help you understand the reason for the error message.
Interviewer Server Administration logging for activities that do not have their own logs. This includes Participants, Email, Export Data, and the back‑end messages for Survey Tabulation.
Information from the Survey Results activity.
Each interviewer session engine logs to the IVW*.tmp file on its Interview server. This file records messages about the engine itself. It usually contains only a start-up, registration, and shutdown message. Files also contain messages to do with each interview. The Web Service computer also writes messages to this file.
Tracks activity concurrent usage.
Created by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows. For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows Architecture.
Information from the back‑end for Interviewer Monitoring when interacting with the session tables.
Information from the back‑end for Interviewer Monitoring.
Created by the UNICOM Intelligence Load Tool. There is one line for each interview showing the server name, interview ID, connection string, the response sent for each question, and the number of pages used to complete the interview. For more information, see Logging information.
Created by ActivateServer.dll. These files contain messages about the running states of the activation queue and the activation server.
Created by the Review Interviews activity.
Created by the Quotas activity.
Created by the Status activity.
Two messages are added to the file each time the status report is refreshed. One states that the refresh was done; the other reports the automatic refresh time.
The Server Authentication Log, which records information about login attempts.
Log for all Participants related activities and components. Created by the Participants back-end activity. The log reports errors in the upload process; for example, if the user attempts to upload a column whose name matches one of the default columns in the sample table, but does not map the imported column to one of the default columns.
Survey Tabulation activity front‑end.
Survey Reporter back‑end.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin load balancing facility.
Deprecated log files
Created by ActivateDocument.dll (see ActivateDocument Object Model). The log contains messages about the settings passed to the component via the desktop Activate wizard or the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin Launch activity.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now in the ACT*.tmp file.
awfront.dll and awback.dll that run as part of the activation process started by the desktop Activation wizard or the web-based Activate activity.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer version 6. Its logging information is now in the ACT*.tmp file.
Created by Interviewer Monitoring.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now in the CIM*.tmp file.
This file is used by the Database Agent that creates and maintains the sample database. Messages are typically written to this file when users run the Participants activity.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now in the SMB*.tmp file.
Created by Participant Rules activity. The log reports when the script was validated or saved. When the script is saved, the log file contains a listing of the script in its current form.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now in the SMB*.tmp file.
Created by the File Management component that is shared by all activities that use or create project files. The File Management component checks that the project files that an activity needs exist, and that the user running the activity is authorized to access those files. The log files record these actions.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin version 6. Its logging information is now in the DMN*.tmp file.
Created by the Export Data activity.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now in the ISL*.tmp file.
Created by mrUserAdminServer. The log records information about how the server checks which roles a user belongs to.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin version 6. Its logging information is now in the DMN*.tmp file.
actwiz.ocx that is part of the desktop Activation wizard.
Created by the Files activity. The log records the steps that the Files activity takes when checking whether a user can access a project's files.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin version 6. Its logging information is now in the DMN*.tmp file.
Created by Edit Project to record details about the creation of projects, deletion of projects from DPM, and changes to project properties.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin version 6. Its logging information is now in the DMN*.tmp file.
Created by the Status activity. Two messages are added to the file each time the status report is refreshed: one states that the refresh was done; the other reports the automatic refresh time.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now in the CRL*.tmp file.
Created by the Email activity.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now contained in the ISL*.tmp file.
When the message “Unable to connect to the remote server No connection could be made because the target computer actively refused it” appears in the SEM log, it means that the SMTP server refused the connection. To resolve this issue, check SMTP Properties > Access > Relay, and then make sure that the server address is allowed.
Created by the Participants activity.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now in the SMB*.tmp file.
The user authentication log, which records whether or not a user passes the authentication process to use an activity.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin version 6. Its logging information is now in the DMN*.tmp file.
Created by the Utilities component that is run to obtain a list of sample management servers, databases, and tables, and to read SampleMgtGUI.Config.xml.
This file is deprecated starting with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin 6. Its logging information is now in the SMB*.tmp file.
Other files in the Logs directory
Other files in the Logs directory are files created by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin, but they often include messages related to the use of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer and its activities. For example, the uau*.tmp log files record user authentication as users attempt to run activities. For information about these files, see Log files.
See also
Log file format
Managing and archiving log files
Switching trace logging on and off
Changing the number and/or size of the log files
Matching log messages to data records
Matching log messages to application pool failures
Deleting or truncating log files
See also
Administration and maintenance