Interviewer - Server Admin > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin architecture > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin audit trail > Auditing interviewer sessions
Auditing interviewer sessions
The CatiInterviewerSession and CatiInterviewerSessionHistory tables record information about telephone interviewers and are defined as follows:
ApplicationSessionId nvarchar(128)NOT NULL
CatiInterviewerSessionStart datetime(8) NOT NULL
CatiInterviewerSessionEnd datetime(8) NOT NULL CatiInterviewerSessionHistory table only
TotalNumOfContacts int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)
IdleStart datetime(8) NULL
NumOfContactsSinceLastSurvey int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT (0) CatiInterviewerSession table only
Phone nvarchar(50) NOT NULL
Position nvarchar(128) NOT NULL
CatiInterviewerSessionToken nvarchar(128) NOT NULL
CatiInterviewerSessionEngineUrl nvarchar(256) NULL
LastUpdated datetime(8) NULL CatiInterviewerSession table only
IsMonitored bit(1) NOT NULL CatiInterviewerSession table only)
The ID for this interviewing session.
The date and time at which the interviewer started Phone Participants.
The date and time at which the interviewer closed Phone Participants.
The number of respondents the interviewer has contacted, whether or not interviews occurred.
The number of seconds that the interviewer has been idle (for example, reading the question or waiting for the respondent to answer).
The number of respondents the interviewer has contacted since the last interview, whether or not interviews occurred.
The interviewer's dialer extension or phone number. This will be filled for dialer positions only.
The interviewer's position in the telephone room (seat number, for instance). This will be filled for dialer positions only.
The unique identifier that the interviewer session engine assigns to the interview session.
The URL of the session engine that the interviewer is using.
The date and time that the record was last updated (records are updated periodically while the user is working).
Indicates whether the interviewer is currently being monitored.
Flowchart showing interaction of session monitoring object model with the interviewer's actions when running interviews
This flowchart shows the actions that an interviewer takes to run an interview and the points at which the session monitoring object model obtains information for the audit trail.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin audit trail