Interviewer - Server Admin > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin architecture > Distributed Property Management (DPM) > DPM Explorer > Adding and removing items
Adding and removing items
Adding items
To add clusters, roles, projects, activities (applications), sample managements, property collections, and properties to DPM, use the appropriate option on the Add menu.
To add activities that you have written by using the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin Application Framework, use Add > Application From XML. For more information, see Integrating an activity with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin.
Removing items
To remove roles, projects, activities, property collections, properties, and sample management objects from DPM, use the appropriate option on the Remove menu.
Removing a project from DPM does not delete the project files or any data held for the project in the SQL databases. It just prevents the project being displayed in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin project list. You normally remove a project from DPM when the survey and analysis are complete and you have backed up the project files for safe keeping.
Orphaned sample management objects are sample managements that are not related to any of the DPM projects. When you remove orphaned sample management objects, DPM Explorer selects each sample management object in turn and does the following:
For each sample management object, checks for a project of same name that has an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin property called SampleManagementName that matches the sample management name.
For each project, scans the project's UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin property collection looking for a property called SampleManagementName whose name matches a known sample management name.
For each project, scans the top-level property collection for a property called SampleManagementName that matches a known sample management name.
If it cannot match a sample management object to a project, DPM Explorer places the object in the orphaned list. When all checks have been completed, DPM Explorer displays the list of orphans and prompts you to choose those you want to delete. You may delete one at a time or all at once.
Orphaned quota objects are quotas that are not related to any of the DPM projects. When you remove orphaned quota objects, DPM Explorer selects each quota object in turn and does the following:
For each quota object, checks for a project of same name that has an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin property called QuotaProjectName that matches the quota name.
For each project, scans the project's UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin property collection looking for a property called QuotaProjectName that matches a known quota name.
For each project, scans the top-level property collection for a property called QuotaProjectName that matches a known quota name.
If it cannot match a quota object to a project, DPM Explorer places the object in the orphaned list. When all checks have been completed, DPM Explorer displays the list of orphans and prompts you to choose those you want to delete. You may delete one at a time or all at once.
See also
DPM Explorer