Interviewer - Server Admin > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin architecture > Load balancing > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin load balancing configuration > Configuring site properties
Configuring site properties
The following site properties can be used to control load balancing for the entire site:
When set to True, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin load balancing is enabled for the entire site. The MultiInstance property continues to be used to setup application specific load balancing. The default setting is True, which is also the case when the property is not set.
When the InterviewBuilder application's MultiInstance property is set to True, load balancing for InterviewBuilder is enabled. When the ManageFiles application's MultiInstance property is set to False, load balancing for ManageFiles is disabled.
Performs the same function as the , except the settings are applied at the site level. The property's default value is the same as the value defined for the , which is also the case when the property's value is not set.
The ApplicationSettings element's LoadingScript property can be set to effectively override the ApplicationLoadingScript property.
Sets each application's timeout value. The default value is 5000 milliseconds, which is also the case when the property is not set.
The ApplicationSettings element's Timeout property can be set to effectively override the ApplicationTimeout property.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin load balancing configuration