Data Model > Available DSCs > SPSS Statistics SAV DSC > Properties and settings used by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC
Properties and settings used by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC
Properties and settings allow you to control how the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC reads and writes .sav files. You can specify properties and settings by using one or more of the following methods:
By adding entries to an .ini file that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC can read.
By adding custom properties to an MDM document that the will use to read or write the .sav file.
By including custom connection properties in the connection string to the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
Not all methods can be used for all settings; the description of each setting in the Properties and settings tells you which methods can be used. If a setting is specified using more than one method, the following list indicates which method takes precedence:
1 Custom property setting on an MDM variable object
2 Connection string setting
3 Entry in the .ini file
4 Custom property setting in an MDM document
.ini file
The .ini file must have the same name as the .sav file to be read or written, but with the .ini extension added, for example, MyProject.sav.ini. The .ini file must be in the same folder as the .sav to be read or written. The .ini file should contain a section labeled [mrSavDsc], which consists of lines of the form name = value. For example:
AliasCutFactor = 0.4
AllowOverwrite = 1
SavLanguage = JPN
ScanForCategories = 0
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC will ignore any other sections in the .ini file.
An example file called employee data.sav.ini is included with the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library. By default, the file is installed in folder [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Data\Sav.
Custom properties on the MDM document
If you create MDM custom properties for use by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC, you should normally create them in the SAV user context. However, the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC will also use custom properties that have been created in the Analysis user context.
Custom connection properties
You can specify custom connection properties by adding the MR Init Custom or MR Custom connection property to the connection string. The format is:
MR [Init] Custom = "<property name> = <value> (; <property name> = <value>)*"
For example:
MR Init Custom = "ScanForCategories = 0; Logging = 7"
Use the MR Init Custom property when you connect using the UNICOM Intelligence OLE DB Provider, for example, in DM Query or in a data management (.dms) script. If you are passing connection properties to an SPSS Statistics SAV DSC object that you have created programmatically, use the MR Custom property.
For a list of all the standard connection properties that are available to the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC, see Connection properties.
Properties and settings
When reading from a .sav file, a Long value that specifies whether the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must add an Other category to each MDM categorical variable to use for data values that do not correspond to any of the MDM categories. This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file or accessing the case data with no metadata.
A value of 1 specifies that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must add an Other category and also create an Other variable to hold the actual value encountered in the data. Note that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC returns the raw value from the .sav file, which might differ from the value displayed in SPSS Statistics SAV DSC. When generating an MDM document from the .sav file, the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC also defines the Other category as an MDM Other Specify category whose helper field is the Other variable.
The default value is 0, meaning that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC will not create an Other category and will silently ignore all data values for which there is no corresponding MDM category. For more information, see Determining categories.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in the connection string.
A Double value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC will use to set the property on the Alias Map component's GeneratorConfiguration object. Valid values are in the range 0.0 to 1.0. The default is 0.5. For more information, see Variable names and labels when writing to a .sav file.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
A Long value that determines the number of times the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC attempts to make a unique alias when there is a conflict. The uses this to set the AutoCounters.MaxCount property (see ICounterCollection.MaxCount in the MDM Object Model Reference) on the Alias Map component's GeneratorConfiguration object. The default is 0, meaning no limit. For more information, see Variable names and labels when writing to a .sav file.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Text value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the alignment of the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable's data values and value labels in the IBM SPSS Statistics Data Editor's Data View. Valid values are: "Left", "Right", and "Center". The default depends on the IBM SPSS Statistics variable type.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a variable.
A Long value that specifies whether the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC will create a new .sav file if a file of the same name already exists. Any non-zero value allows overwriting the existing file. The default is 0. See also the MR Init Overwrite connection property: see Connection properties.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Double value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC assigns to the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable when the MDM variable's value is False. The default is 0.0.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a boolean variable.
When writing to a .sav file, a Double value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC assigns to the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable when the MDM variable's value is True. The default is 1.0.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a boolean variable.
When reading from a .sav file, a Text value that contains the names of IBM SPSS Statistics numeric or short-string variables that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must interpret as MDM categorical variables. This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file or accessing the case data with no metadata, and affects only variables that are not part of an IBM SPSS Statistics multiple response set.
You must separate the IBM SPSS Statistics variable names using commas or spaces. The names are not case-sensitive. The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC ignores any unrecognized names. When making this setting in a .ini file, you must specify the value as a multibyte string using the current codepage, as may be specified by the SavCodePage or SavLanguage settings. A value of * (an asterisk) specifies that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC should interpret all IBM SPSS Statistics numeric and short-string variables not mentioned in the ScalarVariables setting as MDM categorical variables.
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses CategoricalVariables only when it cannot make a decision based on the measurement level, because either the UseMeasurementLevel setting is set to 0 or a variable has a measurement level of Unknown. The default value is "", meaning that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC is not forced to interpret any IBM SPSS Statistics variables as MDM categorical variables. For more information, see "Determining Categorical Variables" in Variable definitions when reading from a .sav file.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that specifies how the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must export an MDM multiple-response categorical variable.
2 specifies that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must export a multiple dichotomy set.
1 or -1 specifies that the must export a multiple category set.
0 specifies that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must export a multiple category set if the value of the MDM variable's EffectiveMaxValue property (or the value of the Max setting, if set on the variable) is less than the number of MDM categories that are not flagged as user missing, otherwise the must export a multiple dichotomy set. The default is 0. Note that this setting on a categorical variable will override this setting, if any, on the document.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object or a categorical variable; in the connection string.
True opens a new connection to the underlying SQLite database; it opens one connection for each Command object that is created by the caller. This improves performance for applications that run multiple data accesses in parallel.
The default is False.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the number of digits after the decimal point for the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable, as displayed in the IBM SPSS Statistics Data Editor's Data View. The default depends on the type of the variable.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a double variable.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the default size for text columns . The default is taken from the MDM variable's EffectiveMaxValue property.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Text value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses for the No label in dichotomy sets. For example, Nej or -. Not sensitive to the current language. The default is "No".
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Text value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses for the Yes label in dichotomy sets. For example, Ja or X. Not sensitive to the current language. The default is "Yes".
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Double value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses for missing values in dichotomy sets. The default is the IBM SPSS Statistics system-missing value. If NullValue is set on a categorical variable, that setting will override DichotomyMissing for that variable's dichotomies.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses for No in dichotomy sets. The default is one less than the Yes value.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses for Yes in dichotomy sets. The default is 1.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Boolean value that specifies whether the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must write the value of the MDM category's Factor property (see IElement.Factor in the MDM Object Model Reference) to the IBM SPSS Statistics variable. This setting affects only MDM categories that have the Factor property set. The default is False.
ExportFactors can be overridden by other settings. For more information, see "Single-Response Categorical Variables" in Variable definitions when writing to a .sav file.
In an MDM document, on a categorical variable; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the definition of the IBM SPSS Statistics variable's type. The default depends on the type of the variable. Format sometimes works together with the Width and DecimalPlaces settings to determine the exact representation.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a variable.
The information below is shown for reference only, and the results sometimes vary.
Alphanumeric hexadecimal
F format with commas
Commas and floating dollar sign
Default numeric format
Integer binary
Positive integer binary hexadecimal
Packed decimal
Positive integer binary unsigned
Positive integer binary unsigned
Floating point binary
Floating point binary hexadecimal
Zoned decimal
N format: unsigned with leading zeroes
E format: with explicit power of 10
Date format: dd-mm-yyyy
Time format: hh-mm-ss.s
Date and time
Date format: dd-mmm-yyyy
Julian date: yyyyddd
Date-time: dd hh:mm:ss.s
Day of the week
mmm yyyy
Quarter in form q Q YYYY
Percent: followed by %
Like comma, but switching dot for comma
User programmable currency format
Date in dd/mm/yyyy style
Date in yyyy/mm/dd style
When reading from a .sav file, a Long value that specifies whether the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must write the IBM SPSS Statistics variable's raw category value to the corresponding MDM category's Factor property (see IElement.Factor in the MDM Object Model Reference). This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file.
1 specifies that the must write the raw category value to the Factor property.
The default is 0, which specifies that the will not set the Factor property. For more information, see Category values.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Text value that contains the format that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the label for an IBM SPSS Statistics variable in a multiple-dichotomy set. The default is "%CategoryLabel". For more information about the text insertion parameters you can use with this setting, see Variable names and labels when writing to a .sav file.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object or a categorical variable; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Text value that contains the format that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the label for an IBM SPSS Statistics variable in a multiple-category set. The default is "%Label". For more information about the text insertion parameters you can use with this setting, see Variable names and labels when writing to a .sav file.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object or a categorical variable; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Text value that contains the format that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the label for an IBM SPSS Statistics variable that is not in a multiple-category or multiple-dichotomy set. The default is "%Label". For more information about the text insertion parameters you can use with this setting, see Variable names and labels when writing to a .sav file.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object or a categorical variable; in the connection string.
An Integer value that specifies the types of messages that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC will write to a log file. Set the value to the sum of one or more of the following numbers:
1 - Error messages
2 - Warning messages
4 - Information messages
The default value is 1. For more information, see Creating a log file from the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
Where you can make this setting: In the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the maximum number of IBM SPSS Statistics variables in the corresponding multiple category set, or the maximum number of bytes in the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics string variable. The default is taken from the MDM variable's EffectiveMaxValue property.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a categorical or text variable.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the maximum length of IBM SPSS Statistics variable labels, up to 256 bytes. The default is 256 bytes, which means a maximum of 256 characters in single-byte languages and 128 characters in double-byte languages. For more information, see Variable names and labels when writing to a .sav file.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the maximum length of IBM SPSS Statistics variable names, up to 64 bytes. The default is 64 bytes, which means a maximum of 64 characters in single-byte languages and 32 characters in double-byte languages. For more information, see Variable names and labels when writing to a .sav file.
To specify this setting in the connection string, see SavMaxVarNameLen below.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object.
When reading from a .sav file, a Long value that you can set to a non-zero value to stop the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC from making the language specified by the SavLanguage setting the current language in the generated MDM document. This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file. The default value is 0. For more information, see Language handling by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When reading from a .sav file, a Long value that you can set to a non-zero value to stop the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC from adding the language specified by the SavLanguage setting to the list of languages in the generated MDM document. This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file. The default value is 0. For more information, see Language handling by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Text value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable's measurement level. Valid values are "Nominal", "Ordinal", "Scale". The default depends on the IBM SPSS Statistics variable type.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a categorical variable.
When writing to a .sav file, a Double value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the user-missing value for the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics category. This setting affects only MDM categories that have the flUser flag set and can be overridden by the UseMetaDataValues setting.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a category.
Specifies whether the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must use compression when creating a .sav file. In a .ini file, set NoCompression to a nonzero value to specify that compression must not be used. In an MDM document, define NoCompression as a Boolean value and set it to True to specify that compression must not be used. The default is that the file is compressed. Use this setting to create non-compressed .sav files only if you are creating files to be read in version 7 or earlier of IBM SPSS Statistics.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file and creating a multiple dichotomy set, a Long value that you can set to a value of 1 to specify that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must not add an IBM SPSS Statistics variable to the set for an MDM category that has the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC flUser flag set (that is, a special category such as No Answer). Instead, the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must add the special category as a missing value to each IBM SPSS Statistics variable in the set. The default is 0, which specifies that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must add an IBM SPSS Statistics variable to the set for each MDM category that has the flUser flag set.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object or a categorical variable that will be implemented as a multiple dichotomy set; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Double value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to write to the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable when the MDM variable's value is NULL. The default value is the IBM SPSS Statistics system-missing value. If the is creating a new .sav file, it will add this value to the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable's user-missing list, unless it already has three user-missing values defined. For an MDM variable interpreted as an IBM SPSS Statistics multiple dichotomy set, this setting overrides the DichotomyMissing setting.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a non-text variable.
When reading from a .sav file, a Text value that contains the names of IBM SPSS Statistics numeric 1.0 variables that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must interpret as MDM boolean variables. This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file or accessing the case data with no metadata, and affects only variables that are not part of an IBM SPSS Statistics multiple response set.
You must separate the IBM SPSS Statistics variable names using commas or spaces. The names are not case-sensitive. The will ignore any unrecognized names. When making this setting in a .ini file, you must specify the value as a multibyte string using the current codepage, as may be specified by the SavCodePage or SavLanguage settings. A value of * (an asterisk) specifies that the should interpret all SPSS numeric 1.0 variables that it doesn't identify as categorical as MDM boolean variables.
The default value is "", meaning that the is not forced to interpret any SPSS variables as MDM boolean variables. For more information, see IBM SPSS Statistics numeric variables.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that you can set to a non-zero value to specify that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must write the value of the MDM category's NativeValue property (see IElementInstance.NativeValue in the MDM Object Model Reference) to the value label of the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable. The default is 0.
ReuseNativeValues can be overridden by other settings. For more information, see Single-response categorical variables.
Where you can make this setting: In an .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object or a categorical variable; in the connection string.
A Long value that contains a code page number that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must use when reading from or writing to a .sav file. You must specify the code page if the language specified by the SavLanguage setting below uses multiple code pages. For example, 1253 for ANSI-Greek. For more information, see Language handling by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
Where you can make this setting: In an .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
The language that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must use when reading from or writing to a .sav file. You can specify the language using the language identifier (0402), the abbreviated name (BGR), the ISO639 language name (bg), or the English or localized language name (Bulgarian). If the language uses multiple code pages, you must also specify the code page using the SavCodePage setting above. For more information, see Language handling by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
Where you can make this setting: In an .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the maximum length of IBM SPSS Statistics variable names, up to 64 bytes. The default is 64 bytes, which means a maximum of 64 characters in single-byte languages and 32 characters in double-byte languages. For more information, see Variable names and labels when writing to a .sav file.
To specify this setting in an .ini file or in an MDM document, see MaxVarNameLen above.
Where you can make this setting: In the connection string.
When reading from a .sav file, a Text value that contains the names of IBM SPSS Statistics numeric or short-string variables that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must interpret as non-categorical MDM variables. This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file or accessing the case data with no metadata, and affects only variables that are not part of an IBM SPSS Statistics multiple response set.
You must separate the IBM SPSS Statistics variable names using commas or spaces. The names are not case-sensitive. The will ignore any unrecognized names. When making this setting in an .ini file, you must specify the value as a multibyte string using the current codepage, as may be specified by the SavCodePage or SavLanguage settings. A value of * (an asterisk) specifies that the should interpret all IBM SPSS Statistics numeric and short-string variables not mentioned in the CategoricalVariables setting as non-categorical MDM variables.
The uses ScalarVariables only when it cannot make a decision based on the measurement level, because either the UseMeasurementLevel setting is set to 0 or a variable has a measurement level of Unknown. The default value is "", meaning that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC is not forced to interpret any IBM SPSS Statistics variables as non-categorical MDM variables. For more information, see Determining categorical variables.
Where you can make this setting: In an .ini file; in the connection string.
When reading a .sav file, scale variables in IBM SPSS Statistics will be treated as double variables when the property set true.
Where you can make this setting: In an .ini file; in the connection string.
When reading from a .sav file, a Long value that specifies how many cases the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must scan to find extra values that haven’t already been defined as categories of the corresponding MDM variable. This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file or accessing the case data with no metadata.
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC counts only non-missing values, including any text values that are all blank. For any such values found, the adds an MDM category with an automatically generated label. A value of 0 specifies that the must not scan any cases and will only generate MDM categories from IBM SPSS Statistics labelled values (which was the default behavior before UNICOM Intelligence Data Model version 4.0). The default is -1, meaning that the must scan all cases on the .sav file. For more information, see Determining categories.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in the connection string.
When reading from or writing to a .sav file, a Long value that determines whether the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC will issue an error if it finds an invalid language, locale, or code-page setting. A value of 1 specifies that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must issue an error. A value of 0 specifies that the must ignore an invalid language setting, and must continue and produce garbled text (which was the default behavior before UNICOM Intelligence Data Model version 4.0). The default is 1. For more information, see Language handling by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When reading from a .sav file, a Long value that specifies whether the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must use the measurement level to determine if IBM SPSS Statistics variables are categorical. This setting applies only when generating an MDM document from the .sav file or accessing the case data with no metadata, and affects only variables that are not part of an IBM SPSS Statistics multiple response set.
A value of 1 specifies that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must interpret IBM SPSS Statistics numeric variables that have a measurement level of Ordinal or Nominal as MDM categorical variables, and must interpret those that have a measurement level of Scale as non-categorical MDM variables. If the measurement level is Unknown, the makes no assumption.
A value of 0 specifies that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must ignore the measurement level. The default is 0. For more information, see Determining categorical variables.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Boolean value that specifies whether the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC must write the value of the MDM category's Value property (that is, the MDM mapped category value) to the value label of the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable. The default is False. See also IElementList.Value in the MDM Object Model Reference.
UseMetaDataValues can overwrite other settings. For more information, see Single-response categorical variables.
Where you can make this setting: In a .ini file; in an MDM document, on the document object; in the connection string.
When writing to a .sav file, a Double value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses for the value label of the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable. Note that the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin "Build" activity can set the value of this custom property in the Analysis user context.
Value can be overridden by other settings. For more information, see Single-response categorical variables.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a category.
When writing to a .sav file, a Boolean value that specifies whether the must create a corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics category for the MDM category. The default value is True.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a category.
When writing to a .sav file, a Long value that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC uses to set the width of the corresponding IBM SPSS Statistics variable.
For numeric IBM SPSS Statistics variables (including those created for MDM categorical variables), Width specifies the total number of digits, including those after the decimal point, and must be at least one greater than the number of decimal places.
For IBM SPSS Statistics string variables, Width specifies the number of bytes for the multibyte representation of the text value. For single-byte languages, this is the same as the number of characters, but for languages with multibyte characters, the number of characters might be less than the value of Width.
Where you can make this setting: In an MDM document, on a variable.
Custom properties in the WebApp user context
The following MDM custom property is in the WebApp user context.
Used on: Document
Semicolon-separated list defining the names of the security groups to be created in the WebApp XML file.
See also
SPSS Statistics SAV DSC
Properties and settings used by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC