Data Model > Available DSCs > QDI/DRS DSC
QDI/DRS DSC (mrQdiDrsDsc.dll) is an UNICOM Intelligence data source component (DSC) that reads data in the standard Quancept QDI/DRS format. QDI/DRS DSC consists of a metadata source component (MDSC) and a case data source component (CDSC).
Reads metadata from the .qdi file, which is a text file that defines all of the variables and their categories and the layout of the case data in the .drs file. When exporting QDI/DRS format data to other formats, you should select the .qdi file as the metadata for both the source and destination files.
Reads case data from .drs, .drz, and .dru files, which are also text files. The .drs file is typically used by Quancept to store the raw response data as it is collected. The .drz and .dru files are derived from the .drs file and have the same format. The .drs file frequently contains duplicate responses because the response data is saved every time an interview is stopped and this often happens more than once. For example, the responses are saved in the .drs file when an interview is stopped part way through and again when it is subsquently completed after a restart. The .dru file is typically created when any duplicate responses in the .drs file have been removed. The .drz file is typically created after the open-ended responses have been coded and the coded responses have been merged with the raw data in the .drs file or the "deduplicated" data in the .dru file.
When exporting QDI/DRS format data to other formats, you should select the .drs file as the source file for the case data.
Typically, the .drs, .dru, and .drz files have the same filename as the .qdi file, but with a different filename extension. Applications that use the Data Link properties dialog box (or a similar technology) to connect to the data enable you to specify the name and location of the .qdi file and of the .drs, .dru, or .drz file you want to use.
For detailed information about the format of .qdi, .drs, .drz, and .dru files, see the Quancept documentation.
Known problems in QDI/DRS DSC
The QDI/DRS DSC cannot handle loops that have more than one level of nesting.
See also
What's new in QDI/DRS DSC
Variable definitions
System variables
Custom connection properties used by QDI/DRS DSC
QDI/DRS DSC: Supported CDSC features
Available DSCs