Data Model > Available DSCs > QDI/DRS DSC > Custom connection properties used by QDI/DRS DSC
Custom connection properties used by QDI/DRS DSC
The following table gives details of the custom connection properties that are unique to the QDI/DRS DSC. These properties can be specified by adding the MR Init Custom connection property to the connection string when connecting to a QDI/DRS data source. The format is:
MR Init Custom = "property_name=value (; property_name=value)* "
For example:
MR Init Custom = "Debug=True; CodedSize='20,50,question6'"
Alternatively, you can specify these properties in a .ini file that has the same name as the .qdi file being read and is in the same folder. The file should contain a section labelled [mrQdiDrsDsc], which consists of lines of the form property_name=value, for example:
Make sure that there are no blank lines in the section labelled [mrQdiDrsDsc], as any properties after the first blank line will be ignored. The QDI/DRS DSC will also ignore any other sections in the .ini file.
The base language that the QDI/DRS DSC must set in the generated MDM document. For example, BaseLang=ENG. By default, the QDI/DRS DSC sets the system language as the base language.
The values that the QDI/DRS DSC must set for the EffectiveMinValue and EffectiveMaxValue properties of an MDM variable that corresponds to a QDI CODED question. For example, CodedSize=10,250,Q5 will set EffectiveMinValue to 10 and EffectiveMaxValue to 250 for variable Q5.
The values that the QDI/DRS DSC must set for the EffectiveMinValue and EffectiveMaxValue properties of all MDM variables that correspond to QDI CODED questions. For example, CodedSize_All=0,500 will set EffectiveMinValue to 0 and EffectiveMaxValue to 500.
Use CodedSize_All=DAU,DAU to deal with open-ended text with type CODED.
Whether the QDI/DRS DSC must create a log file in the c:\ folder. For example, Debug=True. The default value is False.
Whether the QDI/DRS DSC must add Don't Know, Refused to Answer, and No Answer special categories to MDM variables that correspond to QDI LIST questions that do not have DK, REF, or NULL responses (categories). The value consists of three digits that you set to 0 or 1 to specify whether the special category should be added or not. For example, DK_Ref_Null=110 defines that the QDI/DRS DSC must add both Don't Know and Refused to Answer special categories, whereas DK_Ref_Null=001 defines that the QDI/DRS DSC must add only the No Answer special category.
Whether the QDI/DRS DSC must add blank responses in questions as categories to the corresponding MDM variable. For example, IgnoreBlankResps=False. The default value is True, meaning that the QDI/DRS DSC must not add blank responses.
Whether the QDI/DRS DSC must add blank responses in defined response lists as categories to the corresponding MDM variable. For example, IgnoreBlankResps_DefineLists=False. The default value is True, meaning that the QDI/DRS DSC must not add blank responses.
Whether the QDI/DRS DSC must set card and column custom properties on the corresponding MDM variable if card and column settings exist on the question in the .qdi file. For example, IgnoreCardCol=True.
For all QDI NODATA questions, the value that the QDI/DRS DSC must use for the HasCaseData property for all corresponding MDM variables. For example, IncludeNoData=True. The default value is False.
Whether the QDI/DRS DSC must use the old formatting for the labels of MDM variables in a loop. For example, OldLoopLabels=True.
The value that the QDI/DRS DSC must use for the CardNum_ColCount property on the generated MDM document. For example, Punch_CardNumColCount=3.
The value that the QDI/DRS DSC must use for the CardNum_ColStart property on the generated MDM document. For example, Punch_CardNumColStart=8.
The value that the QDI/DRS DSC must use for the CardSize property on the generated MDM document. For example, Punch_CardSize=100.
The value that the QDI/DRS DSC must use for the PunchMask property on the generated MDM document. For example, Punch_PunchMask=AB0123456789.
The value that the QDI/DRS DSC must use for the ColCount property on the serial number variable in the generated MDM document. For example, Punch_SerialColCount=5.
For a list of all the standard and custom connection properties that are available to the QDI/DRS DSC, see Connection properties.
See also