Data Model > Available DSCs > Surveycraft DSC
Surveycraft DSC
The Surveycraft data source component (DSC) is a read-only DSC that consists of the Surveycraft metadata source component (MDSC) and the Surveycraft case data source component (CDSC).
.VQ and .QDT files
The Surveycraft MDSC reads the .vq file, while the Surveycraft CDSC reads both the .vq and .qdt files. Therefore, if you intend to read the Surveycraft case date, the .vq and .qdt files must be in the same directory. By default, this is not how Surveycraft creates them, so you must move one of the files before using the Surveycraft DSC.
When you upload Surveycraft data for use with UNICOM Intelligence Reporter, you must upload both the .qdt and .vq files. You may also want to create a metadata (.mdd) file and upload that as well. This does not increase the initial speed of UNICOM Intelligence Reporter, but can improve performance when you next open the project in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter. You must have write access to the .qdt and .vq files that you want to upload.
You can use settings to control some aspects of how the Surveycraft DSC presents metadata and case data. For example, you can use settings to make sure that the Surveycraft DSC reads Japanese and other multibyte characters correctly. For more information, see Settings used by the Surveycraft DSC.
Known issues
Codes must be entered in ascending numeric order in Surveycraft. The Surveycraft DSC may lose codes if this is not so.
See also
About the Surveycraft script
Surveycraft *attrib directives
Using the dsc.useLabel directive
Settings used by the Surveycraft DSC
Surveycraft DSC: Troubleshooting
Surveycraft DSC: Supported CDSC features
Available DSCs