Data Model > Available DSCs > Surveycraft DSC > About the Surveycraft script
About the Surveycraft script
When reading Surveycraft files, the Surveycraft MDSC uses the following rules to map Surveycraft identifiers to MDM type information.
MDM item
Surveycraft item: Uncoded with a V spec that uses an n or an NX.0 indicating that there will never be any digits after the decimal place. For example:
Q1U 3 Long : Question ( Age )
/Please enter your age in years(1/100)
V (1.0/100.0)N
Q5U 9 Long : Large Number
Q7U 3 Long (Little n)
V (1/100)n
Surveycraft item: Uncoded with a V spec that uses an N that does not include a .0. For example:
Q2U 4 Double : Price Paid
/Please enter the price you paid.|(2.75/3.5)
V (2.75/3.50)N
Q3U 5 Double : Complex format
V (-1.2/35.7,50/60)LN2.1
Q6U 1 Double : Small Number
V (0.0/9.0)N
Surveycraft item: Uncoded question.
Surveycraft item: Not supported in Surveycraft.
Surveycraft item: Standard Surveycraft question. For example:
Q2 Gender
/What is your gender?
C1 Male
C2 Female
Surveycraft item: Not supported in Surveycraft.
Surveycraft item: Uncoded Preamble. For example:
Q1UP This is just display text
/Hello and welcome to "DP SurveyCraft" for beginners
Categorial Loop
Surveycraft item: Step through loop. These are setup with a categorical question and an S spec.
Numeric Loop
Surveycraft item: Numeric loops are discouraged in Surveycraft.
Surveycraft item: Not supported in Surveycraft.
Surveycraft item: Not supported in Surveycraft.
Surveycraft item: For a Text, put a number in fld7. For example:
Q1U 10 Title
/Museum of the Living World Visitor Survey
See also
Surveycraft *attrib directives
Using the dsc.useLabel directive
Settings used by the Surveycraft DSC
Surveycraft DSC: Troubleshooting
Surveycraft DSC: Supported CDSC features
Surveycraft DSC