Interviewer - Server > Configuration and customization > Web configuration files > Settings for the Build activity > File types to display in dialog boxes
File types to display in dialog boxes
The Filemask keys determine which types of files will be listed in the dialog boxes associated with opening and saving files, and selecting pictures, library files, and templates. The default settings are shown below:
  <add key="Filemask_Open" value="*.mdd" />
  <add key="Filemask_Save" value="*.mdd" />
  <add key="Filemask_SelectFavourite" value="*.mdd" />
  <add key="Filemask_SelectPicture"
              *.mov;*.avi" />
  <add key="Filemask_SelectTemplate"
       value="*.html;*.htm;*.xml" />
  <add key="Filemask_SelectGridTemplate" value="*.xml" />
Where used
Each key controls the file types listed in a different dialog box:
Where used: The dialog boxes for opening a new library file or blank questionnaire.
Where used: The dialog boxes for Save As and Save Copy As
Where used: The dialog box displayed when the user chooses to insert a library file in the questionnaire.
Where used: The dialog box displayed when the user clicks in a response's Picture box on the Advanced tab.
Where used: The dialog box displayed when the user clicks in the Template box on the Presentation tab or in the Options dialog box.
Where used: The dialog box displayed when the user clicks in the Template box on the Presentation tab or in the Options dialog box and chooses to load a grid template.
See also
Settings for the Build activity