Interviewer - Server
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer is a single integrated system for the electronic collection of survey data. It is a secure, scalable, fault tolerant, and high performance system.
For more information, see Architecture.
Administration and maintenance
This section is for users who are responsible for the day-to-day administration of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer sites but who do not need for an in-depth understanding of how the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer components work. Its explains the changes that are made to the system when UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer is installed, and changes you may want to your maintenance routine. This includes the files and folders that are created; databases and tables created on the SQL Server; and changes to the registry.
For more information, see Administration and maintenance.
Configuration and customization
This section for use by experienced UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer administrators or developers. It explains how the system is configured and how you can customize how UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer works.
For more information, see Configuration and customization.
UNICOM Intelligence Dialer Software Development Kit (SDK)
The UNICOM Intelligence Dialer SDK provides the tools required for implementing a dialing provider API, DPM properties, and an example dialer configuration file, enabling you to integrate your dialer into the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer system.
For more information, see UNICOM Intelligence Dialer Software Development Kit (SDK).
Monitoring and tuning system performance
This section describes the benefits of monitoring and tuning the way your system performs, and offers suggestions and recommendations on how to do this.
For more information, see Monitoring and tuning system performance.
This section provides detailed reference information about the components listed below. Some topics apply only specific versions of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer.
For more information, see ‘Reference’ on page 575.