Duplicate IDs
When an interviewer's browser is terminated, due to an error or a browser crash of some type, interviewers will still display in the Interview Monitoring page. This results in duplicate IDs being listed. To avoid this issue, the following configuration is in the Web.config file:
<add key="GetLatestInterviewers" value="false"/>
<add key="GetLatestInterviewersSqlText"
value="select a.* from CatiInterviewerSession a,
ApplicationSession d
where a.ApplicationSessionId = d.ApplicationSessionId
and a.lastupdated >= (select lastupdated from
(select c.username as username, max(b.lastupdated) as
from CatiInterviewerSession b, ApplicationSession c
where b.ApplicationSessionId = c.ApplicationSessionId
and c.username = d.username
group by c.username) temp
where temp.username = d.username
By default, GetLatestInterviewers is false. To avoid duplicate IDs, change the value to true.
See also