Interviewer - Server > Configuration and customization > Web configuration files > Settings for the Interviewer Monitoring activity > Setting up the instance to cache the interviewer list
Setting up the instance to cache the interviewer list
When there are numerous CATI supervisors simultaneously accessing the Remote Administration activity, you can improve performance by using the InterviewerListCacheDuration property to cache the interviewer list. The cache duration value is set as seconds. The default value is 5:
<add key="InterviewerListCacheDuration" value="5"/
Application cache for the mrInterview DPM property collection
<!-- Whether or not to utilize the application cache for the mrInterview DPM property collection for every project -->
<add key="CacheMrInterviewProjectProperties" value="true"/>
<!-- Whether or not to utilize the application cache for the mrInterview DPM property collection-->
<add key="CacheMrInterviewProjectPropertiesForMinutes" value="30"/>
Application cache for the Site DPM property collection
<!-- Whether or not to utilize the application cache for the Site DPM property collection for every project -->
<add key="CacheSiteProperties" value="true"/>
<!-- Whether or not to utilize the application cache for the Site DPM property collection-->
<add key="CacheSitePropertiesForMinutes" value="30"/>
Application cache for the call outcomes
<!-- Whether or not to utilize the application cache for the call outcomes-->
<add key="CacheCallOutcomes" value="true"/>
<!-- The duration in which to cache call outcomes. The default value of 120 minutes will be used if the value is not present,
or the value is not a number. This only takes effect when CacheCallOutcomes has a value of true -->
<add key="CacheCallOutcomesForMinutes" value="120"/>
Application cache for the interview HTML pages that are monitored
<!-- Whether or not to utilize the application cache for the interview HTML pages that are monitored -->
<add key="CacheInterviewHTML" value="true"/>
<!-- The duration in which to cache HTML pages. The default value of 10 minutes will be used if the value is not present,
or the value is not a number. This only takes effect when CacheInterviewHTML has a value of true -->
<add key="CacheInterviewHTMLForMinutes" value="10"/>
<!-- How often to poll the server to look for a call status update. The default code value of 1000 (1sec) will
be used if this value is not found, or the value is not a number.-->
<add key="CheckForCallStatusInMillis" value="1750"/>
See also
Settings for the Interviewer Monitoring activity