Interviewer - Server > Configuration and customization > Web configuration files > Settings for the Review Interviews activity > Defining the local image cache and local image cache URLs
Defining the local image cache and local image cache URLs
You must specify where images are stored by using one or both of the IMAGE_CACHE_URL or LOCAL_IMAGE_CACHE_URL keys.
The IMAGE_CACHE_URL key defines the URL that is used by the browser to retrieve images. It can be either a full URL or a relative URL, and it can be an externally accessible URL.
Example of a full URL
<add key="IMAGE_CACHE_URL" value=""/>
Example of a relative URL
<add key=" IMAGE_CACHE_URL " value="../ImageCache/ImageCache.aspx" />
If IMAGE_CACHE_URL is not set, it defaults to the LOCAL_IMAGE_CACHE_URL.
The LOCAL_IMAGE_CACHE_URL key defines the location of a local image cache that the CATI player can use for retrieving templates. The URL must be relative to the Accessories server.
  <add key="LOCAL_IMAGE_CACHE_URL" value="http://GREEN/SPSSMR/ImageCache/ImageCache.aspx" />
If LOCAL_IMAGE_CACHE_URL is not set, it defaults to the IMAGE_CACHE_URL.
See also
Settings for the Phone Participants activity
Settings for the Review Interviews activity