Interviewer - Server > Configuration and customization > Web configuration files > Settings for the Export Data activity
Settings for the Export Data activity
The Export Data Web.config file in C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\InterviewExporter controls the data export:
export of dirty data
deletion of the temp folder and the Data Manager job file at the end of the export
creation of Quantum specification files
display of the Variable Type box on the Export Data screen.
Exporting dirty data
The Export Data activity does not normally export dirty data (that is, data that is known to contain errors).
To export all the data that has been collected for a project so that you can deal with errors later on, change the value of InterviewExporter.AllowDirtyData in the Export Data's Web.config file to true.
  <add key="InterviewExporter.AllowDirtyData" value="true" />
Cleaning up after an export
Data Export creates a temporary folder (C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\\Temp) that it uses as a working space while exporting the data. It also creates a DataManager job (.dms) file that it runs to export the data. When the export has finished, the activity normally deletes these items as they are no longer required. To prevent these items from being deleted, change the value of the InterviewExporter.NoCleanUp key to true in the following statement:
  <add key="InterviewExporter.NoCleanUp" value="false" />
Users may find the .dms file useful when investigating possible problems with data exports.
Suppressing Quantum specifications
If you site does not use Quantum, you can exclude Quantum specification files from the zip file that the export creates; doing this makes the data export faster. To make this change, set InterviewExporter.NoQuantumSpec to true:
  <add key="InterviewExporter.NoQuantumSpec" value="true" />
Displaying the Variable Types box
The Variable types box lets users choose which types of variables to export. If users must always export all types of variables you can hide this box by setting InterviewExporter.VariableTypesSelect to false:
  <add key="InterviewExporter.VariableTypesSelect" value="false" />
Defining the temporary folder retention value
By default, temporary folders are retained for 24 hours. To change this, set InterviewExporter.TempFileKeptInHours:
  <add key="InterviewExporter.TempFileKeptInHours" value="24" />
See also
Web configuration files