Settings for the Remote Administration activity
The Web.config file for Remote Administration in C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\SyncWebServiceV2\web.config controls these aspects of remote interviewing:
▪where processed packages are saved
▪where invalid cache files are saved
▪where failed uploaded packages are saved
▪the synchronization service time-out value
▪whether the SyncWebServiceV2 instance is a proxy for another service
▪caching DPM data
▪caching the interviewer list
▪controlling which file types can be downloaded to the client.
Setting the location for processed packages
The ProcessedPackagesPath setting saves the processed package to the defined path. When the setting is not configured, packages are deleted after they are processed.
<add key="ProcessedPackagesPath"
Setting the location for invalid cache files
The InvalidCacheFilesPath setting configures the path where invalid cache files are saved. When the setting is not configured, invalid cache files are deleted.
<add key="InvalidCacheFilesPath"
Setting the location for failed uploaded packages
The FailedUploadPackagesPath setting configures the path where failed uploaded packages are saved. When the setting is not configured, failed uploads are deleted.
<add key="FailedUploadPackagesPath"
Setting the synchronization session time-out value
The SyncSessionTimeout setting configures the synchronization session time-out value (in minutes). The minimum value is 1 minute; the maximum value is 1440 minutes (one day); the default value is 60 minutes.
<add key="SyncSessionTimeout" value="60"/>
Setting up the SyncWebServiceV2 instance as a proxy
For security or other reasons, you can set up a SyncWebServiceV2instance as a proxy for another service. To do this, remove the comment markers around thePrincipalSyncWebService property and replace the default value with the actual path to the principal service. Note that if this setting is uncommented, all other web service settings in the current Web.config file are ignored.
<add key="PrincipalSyncWebService" value="http://your-principal-server/SPSSMR/SyncWebServiceV2/Service.svc"/>
Setting up the SyncWebServiceV2 instance to cache DPM data
The DPMCachedDataRefreshInterval property caches DPM data in order to improve performance. The property determines how often, in seconds, the Synchronization Web Service refreshes its data cache from DPM. The default value is 300 seconds. The value cannot be less than 30 seconds (DPM will enforce a minimum value of 30 seconds).
<add key="DPMCachedDataRefreshInterval" value="300"/>
Controlling which file types can be downloaded to the client
The SyncFilesToBeCopied property controls which the file types can be downloaded to the client.
<add key="SyncFilesToBeCopied" value= "*.chj;*.ddf;*.mdd;*.htm;*.html;*.xml;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.mov;*.bmp;*.avi;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm;*.xlsb;*.mdb;*.accdb;*.dbf;*.ndx;*.mdx;*.swf;*.wma;*.wav;*.mp3;*.flv;*.mpg;*.ogg;*.mp4;*.wmv;*.3gp;*.RM3;*.mkv;*.webm;*.3g2;"/>
If you set this property, you must include:
▪all file types used for the project (that is, .mdd, plus possibly HTML files, image files, and so)
▪the file type for project settings (that is, .xml)
▪file types used to download existing data (that is, .ddf and .chj).
If you do not set this property, all files can be downloaded to the client.
To control which file types can be uploaded to the server, see
Controlling the file types that can be uploaded.
Increasing the maximum time for synchronization table cleanup
The DeleteExpiredSessionsCommandTimeout property sets the stored procedure timeout interval (measured in seconds). This is the maximum time allowed for the DeleteExpiredInterviewerSyncSessions stored procedure to complete. In clusters where many records are synchronized, it might not complete in the default interval of 120 seconds, and a “Timeout expired” message appears in the MON log. You can give it more time by setting this parameter.
For example, setting this parameter to 240 gives the procedure 4 minutes to complete:
<add key="DeleteExpiredSessionsCommandTimeout" value="240"/>
The default value is 120 (that is, 2 minutes).
See also