How the minimum and maximum values are handled during a merge
All variables have a MinValue property and a MaxValue property, which define the minimum and maximum values that are allowed.
Categorical variables
In categorical variables MaxValue defines the maximum number of responses that the respondent is allowed to choose when answering the question on which the variable is based.
▪When MaxValue is set to 1, it defines the question as single response.
▪When MaxValue is set to a value greater than 1, it defines the question as multiple response.
When you export categorical data in validating mode, the DSC you are using for the export generally checks MaxValue and gives an error or warning if any of the cases contain more responses than allowed.
When you export to a data format (like SPSS .
sav) that requires each response given to a multiple response question to be stored in a separate variable,
MaxValue also controls the number of variables that are created in the destination data. When exporting to SPSS .
sav, the value of
MaxValue also determines whether a multiple response variable is exported as a multiple dichotomy set or a multiple category set. See
Variable definitions when writing to a .sav file.
See also