Data Model > UNICOM Intelligence Data Model reference > SQL Aggregator > SQL Aggregator interfaces
SQL Aggregator interfaces
The primary interface for post aggregation data retrieval is the standard CDSC interface. This means that the logic for retrieving records and passing the results to the Evaluate component and back to the consumer application is consistent regardless of whether there is aggregation. The difference is that the SQL Aggregator produces a temporary in memory recordset containing the aggregated results. The interfaces exposed by the SQL Aggregator and the CDSC interface are shown in the following diagram.
The SQL Aggregate component supports aggregate bindings, the Group By property, the Having property and the Order By property. If run without setting any bindings or properties, the component simply caches the source CDSC result set. If run with aggregate bindings or an Order By clause, the aggregate component caches the source data and performs the aggregation and ordering.
The SQL Aggregation component does not expose a CDSC Tables collection.
See also
SQL Aggregator
Advanced SQL queries