Implementing DDL hierarchical column
When the Provider adds a column to a hierarchical table through the CDSC, it:
▪Uses the Source.Tables.Item property to get a reference to the CDSC's HDATA Table object.
▪If the column is to be added to a table at a lower level, the Provider uses the Table.Children.Item property on HDATA and its children, repeatedly, to find the table at the correct level.
▪Creates a new instance of a Column object and set its properties (at least Type and Name).
▪Calls Table.Columns.Append to add the new column to the table.
Use the Column object that is passed as a parameter to Columns.Append as a template only. The CDSC should create a new Column object and copy its properties from the Column parameter.
In the C++ skeleton project, call CColumns::InternalAdd to add the new Column object to the collection, and change the CColumns::Append function to return S_OK instead of E_NOTIMPL if it succeeds.
When the Provider deletes a column from a hierarchical table through the CDSC, it:
▪Uses the Source.Tables.Item property to get a reference to the CDSC's HDATA Table object.
▪If the column is to be deleted from a table at a lower level, the Provider uses the Table.Children.Item property on HDATA and its children, repeatedly, to find the table at the correct level.
▪Calls Table.Columns.Delete specifying the index of the column to be deleted.
The index parameter passed to Columns.Delete is a Variant, which contains either the name (in any mixture of upper or lower case) of the column to delete or its numeric position (counting the columns from 0).
In the C++ skeleton project, call CColumns::InternalRemove to remove the new Column object from the collection and change the CColumns::Delete function to return S_OK instead of E_NOTIMPL if it succeeds.
See also