Scripting > UNICOM Intelligence Function Library > Date and time functions > DateDiff
Returns the time interval between two dates.
DateDiff(Val1, Val2, Interval)
Type: Date
First date value.
Type: Date
Second date value.
Type: Text
Type of interval in which the difference between the two dates is to be reported. See Values for Interval.
Type: Long
Number of intervals by which Val2 is later than Val1.
The return value is negative if Val2 is earlier than Val1. If the current data value is NULL, Val1 is 30 December 1899, 00:00:00.
For the calendar intervals, the return value is the number of occurrences of the type of interval from Val1 up to and including Val2, but not includingVal1. For example, from 31 December 2001 to 1 January 2002 is counted as one year, even though the dates are only one day apart. For the “w” interval, the return value is the number of occurrences of whichever day of the week Val1 is, from Val1 up to and includingVal2, but not including Val1.
This example shows the use of the DateDiff function in an SQL query that returns the average time taken, in seconds, to complete a survey:
) AS Average
FROM vdata
WHERE DataCollection.Status = {completed}
If this query is run against the UNICOM Intelligence Data File version of the Museum sample data set, the result set is:
Because the DateDiff function only considers the year part of a date, you have to perform additional manipulation in order to calculate the age of a respondent from the date of birth.
For example, you can use one of the following code examples to calculate the age of a respondent, where DOB is a date field that contains the date of birth of the respondent.
DateDiff(DOB, DateNow(), 'yyyy') - (DatePart(DOB, 'y') > DatePart(DateNow(), 'y'))
Int(CDouble((Now() - DOB)) / 365.25)
See also
Date and time functions