Interviewer - Server > Architecture > Web Service tier
Web Service tier
The Web Service tier hosts the following components:
The Web Service
This is an ATL Server component hosted within IIS. It implements:
the web service for registering session engines: see Session engine registration
the HTML handler for pages posted for interviewing: see HTML players
Interview Web Service that supports the RESTful compliant interview web service: see Interview Web Service.
The web service allows users to use AJAX to implement web interviews within a web page, and provides support for HTML, XML, and JSON protocols. The Web Service tier is installed in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer installation folder as:
These display questions and handle the answers. UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer comes with two players, HTML and CATI Keyboard. Both players deliver Web pages for interviewing, transfer answers to the Interview Service, and manage connections with Web browsers on the Internet. The HTML players are based on point-and-click technology and can be used for both inbound and outbound calling. The CATI Keyboard player accepts input from the keyboard (for response selection and navigation, for instance) and has been designed as a fast and efficient interface for interviewers working on data entry or outbound CATI projects. The CATI Keyboard player is the default player for all interviews conducted using the Phone Participants activity, but you can change this by altering the activity's configuration file. See Settings for the Phone Participants activity for more information.
The Image/Template cache
The Image/Template cache allows the Web Service to request images and templates from the Interview servers. A local cache is used to redirect requests to a remote cache in a distributed environment. The cache component is used for loading layout templates and for serving up images in interview pages.
Session engine registration
Interview Web Service
Interview Web Service implementation
Interview Web Service examples
Image/Template cache
See also