Interviewer - Server > Architecture > HTML players > Customizing the Interviewer Server client against XML Player > Required XMLPlayer Post parameters
Required XMLPlayer Post parameters
The following interview parameters are required in the post parameters:
For more information, see HTTP parameters (URL parameters).
Sample Post data
I.Engine=engine2&I.Project=Employee&I.Session=m4y3wz4ztvuuhcm5u2k1y5nb1qaqaaaa&I.SavePoint=Gender&I.Renderer=XMLPlayer&PlayerXML=<Page SavePoint="Gender"><Question QuestionName="Gender"><Response><Value>{Male}</Value></Response></Question><Navigation Type="Next" IsSelected="true" /></Page>
In the above example, the answer {Male} is selected for the single categorical question Gender, and Next is selected as the navigation type.
Question response values cannot include the "<" and "&" characters, as these are considered illegal XML elements. The "<" character generates an error because the XML parser interprets the character as the start of a new element; the "&" character generates an error because the XML parser interprets the character as the start of a character entity.
CDATA can be used mask the illegal elements from the XML parser. Script code can be defined as CDATA, and everything defined inside of the CDATA section is ignored by the XML parser. A CDATA section starts with "<![CDATA[" and ends with "]]>". The following Javascript contains a CDATA example:
var stringQuestionResponse =
    "<![CDATA[", theValue, "]]>",
For more information, see “CDATA - (Unparsed) Character Data”:
See also
Customizing the Interviewer Server client against XML Player