Interviewer - Server > Architecture > Interview Service tier > Quota web service > Quota web service > Permissions
A user can log onto the Quota web service only if they have been assigned permission for the “QuotaWebService” application. When they have logged onto the web service, a GET request can be made to any URL; that is, all Quota information can be read by all users.
The ability to change quota information is controlled by these features:
Enables you to
Change only the quota target.
Change the quota priority, pend mode, and pend limit.
Change the quota count and target values and the “is counter only”, and “allow over quota” flags. However, you can not change the prioritization (quota priority, pend mode, or pend limit).
For more information about these permissions, see Modifying quotas.
Default permissions
Permission to use
CATIsupervisor and FieldManager
UserAuth and Quota web services, and all features
CustomerAccountAdmins and DPMAdmins
UserAuth and Quota web services
Project Manager and SampleManager
UserAuth web service
See also
Quota web service