Interviewer - Server > Architecture > Interview Service tier > Quota web service > Quota web service > Reading quotas > /Quota/Projects/[ProjectName]/QuotaGroups/[QuotaGroup]/Quotas/[QuotaName]
This URL returns the information about the requested quota in the requested quota group and project. It enables fine‑grained updates to be requested. The quota name must be URL‑encoded.
<Quota Name="Side.(0.UseQ).(0.Brand1)" Expression="UseQ.HasAnswer({Brand1})" Type="Table" Priority="1" AllowOverQuota="True" Target="5" Pending="0" Completed="0" />
The information returned is the same as that before the QuotaGroup URL in /Quota/Projects/[ProjectName]/QuotaGroups/[QuotaGroup]/Quotas.
See also
Reading quotas