Interviewer - Server > Architecture > Data Service tier > SQL connections used by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
SQL connections used by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
The following connections exist for each project:
One connection between mrSite (part of Project Management) and the ProjectMgmt table in the mrInterviewData database. This speeds up the next connection to the ProjectMgmt table.
One connection per Interview server between the Project Management server and the ProjectMgmt table in the mrInterviewData database. This speeds up the connection to the mrDPMServer3.exe component of Project Management.
One connection per Interview server between the interview engine and the ProjectMgmt table in the mrInterviewData database. These connections are used by RDB.
One connection per project per Interview server to the case data database. This speeds up the start of the second and subsequent interviews on the Interviewing server.
For projects that use sample management, two connections per project per computer to the sample database. One is used by the interview engine and the other is used by the DPMServer3 service.
See also
Data Service tier