Interviewer - Server > Reference > RandomPassword
Before version 7, the mrSM.QueueScriptingSite RandomPassword property was used to generate a string of random numbers (between 8 and 18 digits) that was used as a password or ID. Starting with 7, the mrSM.QueueScriptingSite property is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The RandomPassword function should now be used instead of the mrSM.QueueScriptingSite RandomPassword property.
RandomPassword([Val [, MinLength [, MaxLength]]])
The following script generates a password that is between 10 and 16 characters long and contains a random selection of digits and lower-case letters. The password is then stored in the Password sample field:
Dim MyPassword
MyPassword = RandomPassword("[a-z0-9]", 10, 16)
SampleRec.Fields.Item("Password").Value = MyPassword
See also