Interviewer - Server > Administration and maintenance
Administration and maintenance
This section describes:
Changes that are made to the system when UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer is installed, and changes you may want to your maintenance routine. This includes the files and folders that are created; databases and tables created on the SQL Server; and changes to the registry.
Maintenance tasks including clearing the connections table and log files, changing the number and/or size of log files, and backing up project.
Changes that are made to the systems
Files, folders, and shortcuts
Log files
Maintenance tasks
Example maintenance plan
Access to sample management and case data information
Defining display names for sample management scripts in the Launch activity
Flagging files for transfer from the value cache
Adding a new interviewing server to an existing cluster
Adding session engines to an interviewing server
Adding web session engines to a web tier server
Moving an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer server to a different Microsoft Windows domain
Users cannot access the interviewer session engine
Updating passwords for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer components and services
Changing the URL for starting interviews
Changing interviewing URLs and registration passwords
Email database object maintenance
Resetting IIS
Changing the Interviewer Server ANSI codepage
Finding old projects
Improving Phone Participants activity performance
Installation and uninstallation issues
Guidelines for compliance with US federal regulations when conducting telephone survey research
IsActive timeout issue
Adding a new interviewing server to an existing cluster
Restarting all computers in a cluster
Changing the website port
Recycling application pools
Updating the password for Survey Tabulation, Survey Reporter, and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
Configuring antivirus software exclusions