Scripting > Introduction to UNICOM Intelligence scripting > Introduction to UNICOM Intelligence scripting
Introduction to UNICOM Intelligence scripting
UNICOM Intelligence scripting consists of two languages and three types of scripts that you can use to take advantage of the full capability of UNICOM Intelligence products and components.
UNICOM Intelligence scripting languages
The two UNICOM Intelligence scripting languages are:
mrScriptBasic. A programming language that can access and use UNICOM Intelligence components such as the Tables object model. mrScriptBasic is based on Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). See mrScriptBasic overview for more information.
mrScriptMetadata. A language that makes it easy to create metadata using a script. mrScriptMetadata uses a proprietary UNICOM Intelligence syntax to define metadata. See mrScriptMetadata User's Guide for more information.
UNICOM Intelligence scripts
UNICOM Intelligence scripts are written using one or both of the UNICOM Intelligence scripting languages. Different types of UNICOM Intelligence scripts are used to perform different types of tasks. The three types of scripts are:
Data Management Scripts (.dms files). These are used to perform data-management tasks such as transferring, merging, cleaning, and weighting of data. See Data management scripting for more information.
Interview Scripts (.mdd files). These are used to run interviews in version 3.0 (or later) of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer server. See Interview scripting for more information.
mrScriptBasic Scripts (.mrs files). These are used to execute code written in the mrScriptBasic language. mrScriptBasic scripts can be used for many different tasks, such as creating tables (see Table scripting, Sample Management scripts (see Sample management scripts, and adding paper routing to an Interview script.
UNICOM Intelligence scripts are typically written and tested in UNICOM Intelligence Professional. If you follow one of the three links above, you will find more information about using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop that type of script.
The relationship between languages and scripts
The following table shows the relationship between the UNICOM Intelligence scripting languages and UNICOM Intelligence scripts:
mrScriptBasic Language
mrScriptMetadata Language
Data Management scripts
The event sections of a data management script are written in mrScriptBasic.
The Metadata section of a data management script is written in mrScriptMetadata.
Interview scripts
The Routing sections of an interview script are written in mrScriptBasic.
The Metadata section of an interview script is written in mrScriptMetadata.
mrScriptBasic scripts
mrScriptBasic scripts are written in mrScriptBasic.
mrScriptMetadata can not be inserted in mrScriptBasic scripts.
UNICOM Intelligence Function Library
The UNICOM Intelligence Function Library provides many advanced functions which can be used in any script, or section of a script, that is written in mrScriptBasic. See UNICOM Intelligence Function Library for more information.
Using objects in scripts
UNICOM Intelligence objects, such as the Metadata Model (MDM) Object Model, can be used in any script, or section of a script, that is written in mrScriptBasic. You can also use any Component Object Model (COM) object, such as the Microsoft File System Object, in those types of scripts. See Introduction to objects for more information.
UNICOM Intelligence Scripting