Professional > Activating questionnaires > Activating a questionnaire
Activating a questionnaire
1 Save the questionnaire file.
2 Select the routing that you want to activate.
3 From the menu, choose Tools > Activate or press Alt+T, A.
4 In the UNICOM Intelligence Login dialog box, enter (or select from the list) the following:
Destination Server or UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin URL
Enter the name or URL of the server that UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin is on (for example, http://server_name/SPSSMR/DimensionNet/default.aspx). Use this to connect to a server using an internet or intranet link.
User name
Enter a valid Windows or UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin user name.
Enter a valid password for the defined user name.
Select UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin Authentication or Windows Authentication (if UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin is configured for Active Directory).
Login using my Windows Account
When selected, the User name, Password, and Authentication fields are disabled and your current Windows login credentials are used.
5 Click Login. If the login credentials are valid, the Activate - Current Project Open from UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin dialog box opens.
You can activate projects using either Basic or Advanced mode.
Basic mode: Provides options for activating a project in either Test or Live mode, and allows you to select an activation template from which to pull activation settings.
Advanced mode: Provides options for configuring various activation and project settings. See Activate Current Project: Project settings for more information.
Select Test mode, Go live, or Inactive from the Basic settings section.
Note Inactive only displays when the Status after activation option is set to Inactive. See Activate Current Project: Project settings for more information.
6 Select Apply activation settings from activation template if you want to use activation settings from an existing template. When this option is selected, the Activation Template displays on right-hand side of the dialog, allowing to select an existing activation template. Select an appropriate template and click Accept to use the selected template's settings (click Preview to view the selected template's settings). See Activation templates for more information.
Refer to Activate Current Project: Project settings if you want to configure additional activation settings.
7 Click Activate to activate the questionnaire to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin. The Activate dialog closes and a message indicating that the activation request was sent to the server displays.
You can monitor the activation status via the Activation Console. The console provides options for viewing pending and completed activations, and creating activation history filters. See Activation Console for more information.
In order for the activation process to function properly, the server software version must be the same (or higher) as the client software version.
Space characters should be avoided in the project names in order to avoid potential activation issues.
When activating a new project from a desktop application (UNICOM Intelligence Author, UNICOM Intelligence Professional), a warning message will display during activation when there is an existing ActivateDocument.xml file with unmatched information in the project's local folder:
The latest activation settings in the project folder are for a different project. Do you want to update the activation settings based on the current project?"
[Yes] [No]
If you select Yes, all unmatched information will be replaced with the current project information. If you select No, the unmatched information will be preserved.
When you activate a questionnaire in UNICOM Intelligence Author or UNICOM Intelligence Professional, the .mdd file is copied into the FileName_files folder beneath the questionnaire file. The activation process uploads all the files from this folder into the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin project.
If you attempt to reactivate a project before receiving the successful activation message from the Activation Console, you may not retrieve the most up-to-date information from the server.
The .NET Framework's default encoding reads the registry's ANSI codepage when encoding. As a result you may encounter errors when activating questionnaires that include characters such as umlauts (for example, when the project name contains the character Ä). You can resolve this issue by updating the server's ANSI codepage:
1 Access the registry on the server (Start > Run > regedit).
2 Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage\ACP
3 For servers running a German operating system, enter a value of 850; for Chinese, enter a value of 936; for Japanese, enter a value of 932.
Refer to Encoding Class on the Microsoft MSDN site for more information:
See also
Activating questionnaires