Interviewer > Customizing the applications > Customizing background color
Customizing background color
Customizing the background color used in Interviewer Console
The IPlayerConsole.exe.config file specifies the background color for Interviewer Console and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Synchronization Console. IPlayerConsole.exe.config is in the installation directory:
1 Save a renamed copy of the original file in case you want to revert to the original settings in the future.
2 Open IPlayerConsole.exe.config in a text editor such as Notepad. Change the values for FillColor, as shown below, to change the background color used in the applications. Each three-digit number represents an RGB color intensity ranging from 0 to 255, with 255 being full intensity.
  <Spss.UNICOM Intelligence.Mobile.Properties.Settings>
    <setting name="LogoImage" serializeAs="String">
    <setting name="Icon" serializeAs="String">
    <setting name="FillColor" serializeAs="String">
  </Spss.UNICOM Intelligence.Mobile.Properties.Settings>
Customize the background color used in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Synchronization Console
Follow the steps above, except open IPlayerSyncMgr.exe.config instead of IPlayerConsole.exe.config.
See also
Customizing the applications
Setting the default language for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
Customizing application text
Customizing application banner and icons
Customizing project status graphics
Setting the project cache file’s save mode