Interviewer > Customizing the applications
Customizing the applications
You can customize the basic look and feel of the Interviewer Console and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Synchronization Console applications. These items can be customized:
set the default language
change text, or supply translated text, for items such as buttons and menu options
change the banner graphic and application icon
change the graphics and values used for project status
change the background color
set the project cache file’s save mode
set the merged batch limitation
set the archived file disk space
control the file types that can be uploaded to the server.
Example of a customized interface
Simple example of customized interface
1 Install Interviewer Console on a single computer. For more information, see the UNICOM Intelligence Desktop Installation Guide.
2 Use the instructions in this section to customize the appropriate application elements.
3 Replicate the customization changes you made on the rest of the interviewing computers. If you have many interviewing computers, you can simplify this process by using a product such as Symantec Ghost.
Setting the default language for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer
Controlling deleted projects
Customizing application text
Customizing the application text in Interviewer Console
Customizing application banner and icons
Customizing project status graphics
Customizing background color
Setting the project cache file’s save mode
Setting the merged batch limitation
Setting the archived file disk space
Image Capture
GPS feature
Respondent files
Controlling the file types that can be uploaded