Interviewer > Customizing the applications > Recording > Recording interviews
Recording interviews
Recording settings, similar to the existing settings for recording phone interviews, support the recording of personal interviews. The settings can be set either during the project activation process or in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server Administration Interviewing Options activity (under the Interviewing folder).
Recording settings
Enable recording
When this option is selected, interview level recording is enabled.
The interviewer must get approval for monitoring/recording
When Enable recording is selected, the following approval options are available:
Interviewer must manually select an option: Displays the monitoring approval dialog with no selected default option.
Monitoring/recording prohibited: Displays the monitoring approval dialog with No selected as the default.
Monitoring/recording allowed: Displays the monitoring approval dialog with Yes selected as the default.
When this setting is not selected, the interview is recorded without showing the Recording Approval dialog.
Record entire contact from when sample is retrieved
When this option is selected, recording starts as soon as the participant window appears.
This option is only available for projects that include participants. If the project does not use participants, the recording begins when the survey window appears.
Record interview only
When this option is selected, recording starts after the interviewer clicks Start in the Participants activity.
This setting applies to sample projects. If the project does not contain any sample data, the recording starts when the survey window appears.
Percentage of contacts to record
The setting controls the percentage of contacts to record. When set to 100, every interview is recorded; when set to 0 no interviews are recorded.
See also