Interviewer > Customizing the applications > Respondent files
Respondent files
The relationships between the audio files, image files, and case data is maintained by the audio and image file names. Image file names are stored in their associated text questions; audio file names rely solely on convention.
File locations
Audio and image files are stored on the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer workstation at:
C:\Documents and Settings\<your Windows user name>\Application Data\UNICOM\Intelligence\<version>\Interviewer\RespondentFiles\<project name>.<clusterID>\<user>.<clusterID>
Recordings are stored in the Audio folder; images are stored in the Image folder. Each folder includes an Archive folder that contains audio and image files that were synchronized to the server.
Respondent files that are synchronized to the server are stored to the __RespondentFiles directory under the appropriate project folder.
Respondent file location on server
Interview recording: File name format
Automatically generated for projects that do not include participants, and is the sample ID for projects that include participants. RespondentID is represented in the case data as the Respondent.ID system variable.
The interviewer’s login ID.
Starts at 01 and increases each time that an interview is restarted. The maximum value is 99.
Question recording: File name format
See above.
The question FullName as used in the interview Player XML. Because the Player XML imposes naming restrictions, any special characters are replaced with underscore characters.
Image: File name format
See above.
The question FullName as used in the interview Player XML. Because the Player XML imposes naming restrictions, any special characters are replaced with underscore characters.
See also
Customizing the applications