Interviewer > Data Entry Player > Exiting the Data Entry Player > Suspending case entry
Suspending case entry
The Data Entry Player considers a case to be suspended when a case has been started, but not all possible entries are made before fully completing survey entry. This is referred to as suspending a case.
There are many reasons to suspend a case:
to ask a question or get clarification
to take a break
to work on a more urgent project.
To exit the Data Entry Player do one of these, both of which result in suspension of a case:
Select Exit from the File toolbar menu, and then click Exit or press Alt+X.
Click X in the top right corner of the Data Entry Player window.
Once an exit selection has been made, the Data Entry Player immediately closes without completing the case. All data keyed up to that point is saved, however more data remains to be keyed.
When you return to the project’s Case List, the case that was exited from is displayed with the status Case Suspended. A suspended case can be reopened at a later time to continue or complete keying. For more information, see Suspending case entry.
Note A survey can be suspended as the result of system failure (such as a power outage). All data keyed up to the point of failure is saved, and when UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer is restarted, the case that was being keyed at the time of the outage is displayed with the status of Case Suspended in the project’s Case List.
See also
Exiting the Data Entry Player
Completing case entry
Data Entry Player